
Kress Foundation Paintings from the Howard University Gallery of Art

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=109053d4d4b148fb845a2e6afd4d98c2112f6fc5ce3844d58817e60fb1e78259

Saint Jerome Penitent, Moretto da Brescia, attributed to, 1530 — 1540, Canvas, 64.1cm x 81.3cm

Unknown — Unknown

No further information provided. Santa Trinita dei Monti?

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1930 — 1939

Sold to Kress as a painting by Moretto.

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1939 — 1952

Deaccessioned and returned to the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1961 — Present Day

Kress Foundation #K-128

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=9ae5c7c87b440d983e24070599fd7d857e871f90358a9574456b7e82793e508a

Hercules, Giuseppe Bazzani, 1750, Canvas, 113.0cm x 115.9cm

1961 — Present Day

Kress Foundation #K-1271

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

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Saints Roch and Vincent Ferrer, Ambrogio Bergognone, follower of, 1495, Wood, 51.1cm x 137.1cm

1930 — 1961

Sold to Kress as a painting by the Milanese School.

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1961 — Present Day

Kress Foundation #K-119

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

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Saint James Major, Bernardino Fungai, 1500 — 1525, Wood, 23.2cm x 23.5cm

1911 — 1939

Sold by the Trustees of the Platt Estate to Kress on March 17, 1939.

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1961 — Present Day

Kress Foundation #K-1163A

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

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A Bishop Saint, Bernardino Fungai, 1500 — 1525, Wood, 22.6cm x 23.8cm

1911 — 1939

Sold by the Trustees of the Platt Estate to Kress on March 17, 1939.

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1961 — Present Day

Kress Foundation #K-1163B

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

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Saint Apollonia, Bernardino Fungai, 1500 — 1525, Wood, 22.6cm x 23.8cm

1911 — 1939

Sold by the Trustees of the Platt Estate to Kress on March 17, 1939.

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1961 — Present Day

Kress Foundation #K-1163C

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=529b3278b19481aa4bccd9ba178f66cdaf71ea7e60466116b353160884d236a2

Saint Anthony of Padua, Bernardino Fungai, 1500 — 1525, Wood, 22.2cm x 24.1cm

1911 — 1939

Sold by the Trustees of the Platt Estate to Kress on March 17, 1939.

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1961 — Present Day

Kress Foundation #K-1163D

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=e196124d11c5c14254ab782ddffc5c8160ae2ca2028362f0a70b8a5342e33bc1

Saint Mary Magdalene, Giovanni Pietro Rizzoli, attributed to, 1530, Wood, 48.6cm x 63.5cm

Unknown — 1939

Previously, the painting was in an anonymous collection in the UK (no further information provided).

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1961 — Present Day

Kress Foundation #K-1230

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

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Portrait of a Young Woman, Giorgione, follower of, 1500 — 1525, Wood, 28.3cm x 33.4cm

1948 — 1961

Sold to Kress as a painting by Boccaccio Boccaccino.

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1961 — Present Day

Kress Foundation #K-1533

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=5f2ba25e89fc96ead0b5c646f9ca892f96d16f1c41a611e81d9c0ddc640bbcf2

Portrait of a Young Man, Bernardino Licinio, 1524, Wood, 24.5cm x 30.5cm

1961 — Present Day

Kress Foundation Number #K-1051

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

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The Birth of Saint John the Baptist, Master of the Apollo and Daphne Legend, 1500, Wood, 100.3cm x 60.0cm

1928 — 1937

Inherited the painting on his uncle Henry Pelham Archibald Douglas Pelham-Clinton's death in 1928. The painting was sold through Christie's London on June 4, 1937 as a painting by Bartolommeo di Giovanni with its companion piece as a single panel (no. 15).

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

Unknown — Unknown

No dates provided.

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1938 — 1961

Sold to Kress as a painting by an Umbrian-Tuscan Master.

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1961 — Present Day

Kress Foundation #K-1152A

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

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The Martyrdom of Saint John the Baptist, Master of the Apollo and Daphne Legend, 1500, Wood, 94.3cm x 59.7cm

1928 — 1937

Inherited the painting on his uncle Henry Pelham Archibald Douglas Pelham-Clinton's death in 1928. The painting was sold through Christie's London on June 4, 1937 as a painting by Bartolommeo di Giovanni with its companion piece as a single panel (no. 15).

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

Unknown — Unknown

No dates provided.

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1938 — 1961

Sold to Kress as a painting by an Umbrian-Tuscan Master.

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1961 — Present Day

Kress Foundation #K-1152B

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

Aws4 request&x amz signedheaders=host&x amz signature=c7ad71846242cfa675ad22e4367a4c2177f7055f72ede7d4050f3fc36edbe6e9

The Coronation of the Virgin, Pietro di Domenico da Montepulciano, 1420, Wood, 53.3cm x 82.9cm

Unknown — 1913

The painting was sold through Rudolph Lepke's Kunst-Auctions Haus in Berline on October 14-15, 1913 (no. 89).

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1939 — 1952

Deaccessioned and returned to the Samuel H. Kress Foundation.

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017

1961 — Present Day

Kress Foundation #K-59

by Rachel Hofer 12/11/2017
